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Aglaonema Leaf Ornamental Plant, Type And Condition Of Growth

Adding a plant to the room can make the room appear more different from the whole of a house, you must know the plants that can add beauty, and the privilege and overall easy in the treatment.
If you are looking for an indoor plant idea, try planting Aglaonema aglaonema plant is beautiful decorative plants, with a beautiful leaf color from dark green to silver, has a lot of kind and treatment is easy.

Aglaonema ornamental plants have different leaves in each type ranging from the stem to the leaves, the leaf colors vary from silvery-green, gray-green, and also gray-white.
Types of Aglaonema Plants
The wild aglaonema plant has 21 species, but there are 5 types of aglaonema plants that are so popular to serve as ornamental plants

1. Plant Aglaonema Adelia

Plant Aglaonema Adelia


Aglaonema Adelia is characterized by its sharp leaves at the ends, with a large leaf, shiny, and has a combination of red and green color.
Aglaonema Adelia plant can grow well in the soil conditions that are loose, good placement ie in a hot spring that is the sun illumination indirectly.

2. Aglaonema Love Plant

Aglaonema plants Love is a kind that many fans because of its more diverse colors such as the combination of green, yellow, orange, and also pink.

Aglaonema love plants can grow well on soil and humus, give fertilizer routinely once a month and flush regularly anyway, for the circulation is quite put on the sunlight for a few hours only.

3. The Emerald Aglaonema plant

The Emerald Aglaonema is characterized by a thick green leaf with green and white color, this type of emerald does not require much sunlight.

The Emerald Aglaonema plant is not recommended to be placed in cold temperatures because this plant is not tolerant of cold temperatures.

4. Claudia Aglaonema Plant

An aglaonema Claudia is characterized by a yellowish-green leaf, its leaf structure is neat and well spread.
Claudia's Aglaonema plant comes from Thailand, a routine watering for the optimal growth of this plant.

5. Moonlight Aglaonema Plant

The Moonlight Aglaonema is characterized by wide and large leaves, this type has a light green leaf with pink strokes on the leaves.

Ground Media is good for this type of plant that is Ph 5 -7 and given fertilizer and watering routine.
Terms of growing Aglaonema plant

Aglaonema can grow well in less light conditions but this is for the leafy green Aglaonema plant, but for the type of Aglaonema that has a color variation on the leaves can grow well in a bright place and get sunlight indirectly, because it can improve the pattern and the brightness of the leaf color, the more the sunlight get indirect, the more beautiful the color produced from the leaves of Aglaonema, but even though it doesn't get enough light the Aglaonema plant can still grow to taste your room.

Aglaonema plants can grow well at warm temperatures, different temperature difference may suddenly cause aglaonema plant to be disturbed, also keep Aglaonema plant from the place of wind such as window, door and ventilation AC, if the room where aglaonema is too cold can cause the leaves are curved and visible yellow, cut parts of the leaves that start to yellow then move in a warmer place.

Aglaonema plants can grow well on moist soil conditions and also have good drainage, keep the moisture of aglaonema plants in the rainy season, poor soil drainage can result in decay at the roots.
Aglaonema Plant Treatment

The watering of aglaonema plants should be observed especially in the dry season, regularly plant aglaonema plants in the morning and evening. But watering should be done enough and not excessive.

Fertilization plant Aglaonema For additional nutrients that need to be done for the growth of leaves, with the provision of fertilizer hence the nutrients will be fulfilled aglaonema leaves become beautiful shiny, and beautiful will make Suaana home become more beautiful and refreshing.

Pest and disease control can be found in Aglaonema plant although the plant is actually aglaonema plant resistant to disease, the prevention can be by spraying insecticide both organic and nonorganic.

That is the discussion of ornamental plants that besides beautiful aglaonema to be used as an ornamental plant is also easy in the treatment so that many interests to date, hopefully, useful and thank you.


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